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  • reference

A quick reference of commonly used Linux shortcuts and commands that I find useful. This reference will be updated as more shortcuts and commands are added or removed.

Last updated: 01-03-2020

Table of Contents

  1. Shortcut Keys
    1. Alt Key Shortcuts
    2. Ctrl Key Shortcuts
    3. Bash Bang Shortcuts
  2. Filesystem Commands
  3. Archive Files Commands
    1. Compressing and Archiving Files
    2. Decompressing and Unarchiving Files.

Shortcut Keys

A collection of useful shortcut keys for bash which is the default shell in most Linux system.

Alt Key Shortcuts

Alt key shortcuts are mostly used to manipulate the command text that is inputted into the shell terminal

Key Combination Affects
Alt + A Go to beginning of line
Alt + B Move cursor back one character
Alt + F Move cursor forward one character
Alt + U Capitalize the word after the cursor
Alt + L Lowercase the word after the cursor
Alt + T Swap the last two words
Alt + R Undo changes made to command retrieved using Ctrl + R (bash history search)
Alt + . Use the last word or parameter from the previous command in the new command
Alt + C Suspend the running command or process, similar to Ctrl + C
Alt + D If the terminal is empty, closes the terminal. If there is text, delete all characters after the cursor

Ctrl Key Shortcuts

Ctrl key shortcuts are used to manipulate command text as well as interact with the shell terminal.

Key Combination Affects
Ctrl + A Go to beginning of line
Ctrl + E Go to end of the line
Ctrl + B Move cursor back one character
Ctrl + F Move cursor forward one character
Ctrl + H Delete the character before the cursor
Ctrl + D Delete the character under the cursor
Ctrl + U Delete all characters before the cursor
Ctrl + W Delete a word before the cursor
Ctrl + Y Paste the last item deleted or cut
Ctrl + T Swap the last two character
Ctrl + S Search bash history
Ctrl + R Reverse search bash history
Ctrl + G Leave history searching mode
Ctrl + L Clear the screen
Ctrl + C Stop the currently running command
Ctrl + Z Pause the currently running command and backgrounds it.
Ctrl + D Delete the character under the cursor

Bash Bang Shortcuts

Bash Bang (!) shortcuts are used to manipulate the command that was just entered.

Key Combination Affects
!! Run last command
!blah Run last command that starts with ‘blah
!blah:p Print the command of !blah without running it
!$ Use the last word or parameter from the previous command in the new command
!$:p Print the value of !$

Filesystem Commands

Getting around the Linux filesystem and interacting with it.

Command Description
ls List files in current working directory
touch Create a file
cp Copy a file
mv Move a file
rm Delete a file
cd Change to a directory. If ran by itself, returns to home folder
mkdir Create a directory
rmdir Deletes an empty directory
chmod Change the mode of the file or directory
chown Change the owner the file or directory
chgrp Change the group membership of the file or directory
cat Print out the contents of a file
head Prints the top few lines of a file
tail Prints the last few lines of a file
less Prints out the content of a file interactively
wc Counts the words on screen

Archive Files Commands

Manipulating archived or compressed files.

Compressing and Archiving Files

Command Description
tar -cvf ./file.tar <dir_to_compress> Create a tar file
tar -cvzf ./newfile.tar.gz <dir_to_compress> Create a tar.gz file
tar -cvzf ./newfile.tgz <dir_to_compress> Create a tgz file
zip -r ./ <dir_to_compress> Create a zip file

Decompressing and Unarchiving Files.

Command Description
tar -xvf ./file.tar Extract a tar file
tar -xvzf ./newfile.tar.gz Extract a tar.gz file
tar -xvzf ./newfile.tgz Extract a tgz file
unzip ./ Extract a zip file